In the early 17th century, the Kingdom of Karangasem Bali successfully invested its influence in the west and Lombok Island in the year 1750 throughout the region successfully controlled Lombok island Hindu kingdom of Bali's. With mastered by Bali Lombok, the Balinese people coming to Lombok and bring their culture to Lombok. But the conflict between the royal family led to power in Lombok divided into four smaller kingdoms. In the year 1838, the Javanese kingdom of Mataram Lombok mastered and then conquered the Kingdom of Karangasem on Bali. Mataram Lombok and then unite with Karangasem under his control.
In west Lombok, the Sasak tribe in the area can receive the Balinese people and life in the region between the two tribes were harmonious. Marriage between people Sasak and Bali at the time it became commonplace. Sasak people also learn from the Balinese about Subak agricultural irrigation methods.
However, unlike the situation in East Lombok in Bali where the presence of people opposed by the Sasak people. This situation led to two times the resistance of the Sasak people of Bali power in the region, namely in 1855 and 1871. In the year 1891, tribal leaders in East Lombok Sasak asked for assistance to the Dutch and the Dutch invited to become ruler in Lombok, Bali replace.
In June 1894, Governor-General van der Wijk an agreement with the Sasak tribe. With reason to liberate people from the colonial Bali Sasak, van der Wijk and send troops in large numbers to Lombok. And, in the year 1894 the Dutch managed to beat the power of Bali in Lombok.
At the time of Dutch rule in Lombok, especially at around the late 1940s, farmers were forced to sell more rice and rice as a form of tax payments by the farmer to the Dutch authorities. This causes the amount of rice for the community to be reduced, leading to famine that occurred in 1938, 1940, and 1949. Lombok is a famine-prone areas, even in the aftermath of independence, namely in 1966 and 1973.