Lombok Island (total population in 2001: 2,722,123 inhabitants) [1] is an island in the Lesser Sunda Islands or Nusa Tenggara are separated by the Lombok Strait from Bali in the west and sebelat Alas Strait to the east of Sumbawa. The island is roughly spherical with a kind of "tail" on the southwest side of a length less than 70 km. Extensive island reaches 5435 km ², placing it on the ranking list of 108 of the island based on the extent of the world. The main town on the island is Mataram.
Lombok's panorama is as beautiful as Bali island. Some people say that Lombok is Bali in the 60's. What you can find in Bali certainly can be found in this island with different atmosphere.
Mount Rinjani, the highest mountain in this island (3,736 m), is visible from Bali island. From the top you can see all of Lombok, Bali and Sumba Islands. Senggigi beach offers you a virgin beach with great waves for suffers while Gili isles are well known for their "underwater colorful world", and is one of the best snorkeling places on this island.
Access to Lombok from Bali has become easier and faster in recent years. You can enjoy a sightseeing adventure by sea when you choose to visit Lombok by high-speed ferry. Or you can catch a 20 minutes flight from Ngurah Rai airport to Selaparang Airport.
To reconstruct the history of the Kingdom of Selaparang be a historical building complete and thorough assessment seems to require deep. The main problem lies in the availability of historical sources appropriate and adequate. Sources present, like the Chronicle and others require the selection and sorting criteria valid and reliable. What is stated in this simple inscription may still invite debate. Thus far there are differences in the disclosure will dlmuat as a still picture ditelusurl sebagal must pengkajlan leblh ianjut materials.
Kinda hard to make a compromise interpretation to find the third red yarn descriptions above. The lack of historical sources became inevitable reasons.
Majapahit era
According Then Djelenga (2004), records the history of the kingdoms in Lombok a more meaningful starting from the entry of Majapahit through mpu exspedisi Nala under in 1343, as the implementation of Linguistic Theories Gajah Mada is then forwarded to the inspection itself Gajah Mada in 1352 .
This expedition, continued Djelenga, leaving a trail of Gelgel kingdom in Bali. While in Lombok, the development leaving a trail of four major royal brothers to each other, namely the Kingdom of Bayan in the west, East Selaparang Kingdom, the Kingdom Langko in the middle and south Pejanggik Kingdom. In addition to these four kingdoms, there are small kingdoms, such as Parwa and prop and a few small villages, such as Pujut, Tempit, Kedaro, Stone Dendeng, Kuripan, and Kentawang. The whole kingdom and the village became an independent territory, after the Majapahit kingdom collapsed.
In between the kingdom and the village was the most prominent and most famous is the kingdom, based in Lombok Labuhan Lombok. Stated the city is located on the Bay of Lombok Lombok is very beautiful and has a fresh water source that much. This situation makes it much visited by traders from Palembang, Jakarta, Gresik, and Sulawesi.
Arrival of Islam
Later, when the kingdom was presided over by King Rangkesari, Prince Prapen, the son of Sunan Giri came to convert the Queen Lombok kingdom. Mentioned in the Babad Lombok, is an attempt pengislaman from Raden Paku or Sunan Giri Queen of Gersik, Surabaya who ordered the kings of East Java and Palembang to spread Islam to other parts of the archipelago.
"Giri Susuhnii Queen ordered a new belief spread to all corners. Dilembu Rat my friend sent along with the army to Banjarmasin, Datu Bandan sent to Makassar, Tidore, Seram and Galeier, and Son susuhunan, Prince Prapen to Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa. Prapen first sailed to Lombok, where by force of arms he was forcing people to embrace Islam. After completing his task, Prapen sailed to Sumbawa and Bima. However, during its absence, because women still hold Pagan beliefs, the public schools of Lombok back to the pagan. After his victory in Sumbawa and Bima, Prapen back, and with the assistance of Sumuliya and Raden Raden Salut, he set new mission movement this time achieving success. Some people ran to the mountains, others conquered and converted to Islam and others just conquered. Prapen left Sumuliya and Raden Raden Salute to preserve the Islamic religion, and he himself moved to Bali, where he began negotiations (without success) with the Gods Great Klungkung. "
Islamisation process by Sunan Prapen make happpy reaping results, until a few years the whole island of Lombok kemudia converted to Islam, except a few places that still maintain the old customs.
While in the Kingdom of Lombok, a major policy conducted by moving Rangkesari King kingdom to the village center at the proposal Selaparang Banda Regent and Vice Regent Lion Yuda Yuda. The transfer was carried out on the grounds where the Village Selaparang more strategic and not easily attacked by the enemy than the previous position.
Fathurrahman According to Zakaria, the central region of this new kingdom, panoramic beautiful Alas Strait can be enjoyed with a blue background Sumbawa mainland from north to south end with a single stroke of view. Thus all suspicious movements in the middle of the ocean will soon be known. This region also has a rear area of hills and rice fields built neatly terraced until Lemor forests that have abundant water resources.
Under the leadership of King Rangkesari, Kingdom Selaparang developed into an advanced empire in various fields. One is the development of culture and many men gave birth as a storehouse of traditional heritage Lombok society today. With reference to the Dutch historian L. C. Van den Berg stating that, Kawi language development greatly affect the formation of an agricultural nature and magnitude mind the role of intellectuals in political social engineering in the archipelago, Fathurrahman Zakaria (1998) mentions that the intellectual community and Pejanggik Selaparang well aware Kawi language. Even then can create their own script called Sasak jejawen. With the capital under their control Kawi language, literacy and language Sasak Sasak, then the pujangganya much writing, composing, adapt, or copying of ancient Javanese people into lontar Sasak. Lontar meant, among other Kotamgama, Lapel Adam, Menak Berji, Rengganis, and others. Even the poets, too many to copy and adapt the Sufi teachings of the Walisongo, such lontar entitled Jatiswara, Lontar Nursada and Lontar Nurcahya. Even Malays saga-saga was much copied and adapted, such as Lontar Joseph, Hikayat Amir Hamzah, Hikayat Orphan Sidik, and so on.
By studying the lontar, according Fathurrahman Zakaria (1998) we will know the basic principles which guide you in social engineering and socio-cultural politics and society kingdom. In the social field such as politics, Lontar Kotamgama sheet 6 sheet outlining the nature and attitude of a king or leader, of Danta, Danti, Kusuma, and Warsa. Elephant tusk ivory means; when issued can not be inserted again. Danti means saliva; when they are thrown to the ground can not be licked again. Kusuma means flower; not possible flower bloom twice. Warsa means rain; when it fell to the earth is not possible to climb back into the clouds. That is why a king or a leader should not be one of the words.
In addition, in lontar is known that the terms and conditions with the expression of ideas and meanings have been used in political and legal fields, such as word hanut (using the rights and obligations), tread (stable), superimposed (bertata manners) , rit (orderly), teak (main), tuhu (seriously), devotion (devotion, loyalty), or a separate (regular). In the economic field, such as itiq (efficient), Loma (generous), kencak (skilled), or genem (diligent).
Progress was made Selaparang Kingdom Gelgel kingdom in Bali was not pleased. Gelgel who felt as the heir of Majapahit, attacking Selaparang Kingdom in 1520, but monemui failure.
Taking lessons from the failed attack in 1520, cleverly memaanfaatkan Gelgel situasai to infiltrate by sending people to open settlement and paddy fields in the south western side of Lombok are fertile. Even mentioned, Gelgel through a new strategy by sending Dangkiang Nirartha to enter a new form of schools of Hindu-Muslim singkretisme. Although not long in Lombok, but his teachings have been able to influence some Islamic religious leaders who had recently converted to Islam. But the intention to conquer the Kingdom of the Kingdom Gelgel Selaparang internally stalled because of this Hindu kingdom also experienced stagnation and weakness here and there.
The arrival of the Dutch East India Company to Indonesia, which controlled the trade route in the north has caused ire Gowa, so Gowa close to the southern trade routes controlled by the island of Sumbawa and Selaparang. And to stem the Christianization mission to the west, the Gowa also occupied West Flores to build the Kingdom of Manggarai.
This expansion causes Gelgel Gowa who started up not happy. Gowa faced with a dilemma position, they use Gelgel Dutch worried. Then reached an agreement with Saganing Gelgel through an agreement in 1624, whose contents include Gelgel will not cooperate with the Dutch and Gowa will deliver protection for Selaparang, which is considered Gelgel backyard.
However, attitude changes after the death of Sagining Dalem replaced by Dalem Pemayun Anom. Polarization occurs increasingly clear, namely Gowa collaboration with Mataram in Java in order to face the Dutch. On the other hand managed to close Gelgel Dutch, so that in the year 1640, Gowa go back to Lombok. Even in the year 1648, one of Prince Selaparang Pejanggik Breeds with Pemayan named Mas Mas Aji Pemban title Komala, was appointed as viceroy, the governor represents a kind of Gowa, located on the island of Sumbawa coals.
Finally, the war between the Dutch Gowa inevitable. Gowa to fight hard, especially under the leadership of Sultan Hasanuddin nicknamed Rooster from the East. History records Gow Bungaya must accept the agreement in 1667. Bungaya is an area located around the center of Klungkung kingdom Gelgel which marked the close Gelgel-Dutch relations. Gelgel allegedly tried to take advantage of the situation by sending an expedition to the central government directly Selaparang in 1668-1669, but the expedition failed.
Although Selaparang superior strength against neighbor, the Kingdom of Gelgel, but at the same time, a new force from the west have emerged as well. This forces the embryo has existed since the beginning of the 15th century with the arrival of illegal immigrants from farmers Karang Asem (Bali) in waves, and established a colony in the area of Mataram municipality today. That power has been incarnated as a small kingdom, the kingdom and Pagesangan clinch, which was founded in 1622.
But the danger is considered a major threat and will continue to appear all of a sudden the foreign powers, the Netherlands, which at times will do the expansion. Strength of a near neighbor are ignored, because such a strong Gelgel could be broken. Because it was before the kingdom established in power in the western part of this stand, only anticipated by placing a small army under the command of Patinglaga Deneq Wirabangsa.
Behind it, there are other factors especially the border issue between Selaparang and Pejanggik not finished. This caused each other more expected role of the two kingdoms of this cluster. Or responsibilities throwing each other. In an effort peperangandan uproar mengahadapi new power problems grew out of the west, then a sudden, an important figure within the royal center, namely the ministers of his own kingdom called, Raden Arya Banjar ductile, characterized disagree with the king. Raden Arya Banjar Selaparang brittle and eventually left to devote themselves to migrate in the Kingdom Pejanggik.yang first (Pejanggik-ed Kingdom) are in Pejanggik Regional District located in Jonggat
On his own initiative, Raden Arya Banjar can drag Pejanggik brittle join an Army expedition Karang Asem kingdom which had landed up in West Lombok. Initially, the information obtained earlier, the purpose of the expedition's arrival will attack the Kingdom Pejanggik.
But in historical reality, the expedition had destroyed the kingdom of Selaparang. And can be conquered kingdom Selaparang almost without resistance, because it was in very weak condition. This happened in the year 1672. Kingdom Center destroyed; flat on the ground, and the king and his entire family had been murdered.
Selaparang fell just three years after facing the Dutch. Fourteen years later, in 1686 the kingdom of earth Pejanggik hanguskan by Karang Asem kingdom of Mataram. As a result of the defeat Pejanggik, then the Kingdom of Mataram began sovereign became the sole ruler of the island of Lombok after meluluh lantakkan too small kingdoms others.
Source http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Nusa_Tenggara_Barat