Suranadi Nature Park (TWA) Suranadi a nature conservation area which serves to natural recreational activities. In addition to ecological benefits as life support and maintain the water, this area has a lot of potential that can be used for nature tourism, tourism education, research and development activities cultivation.
Regions TWA Suranadi have conditions that are relatively intact forest with a relatively flat topography and in the forest area there are many dirt roads and paths. There is also camping ground area is quite spacious. In such conditions, this area is often chosen as the location for outbound both by government agencies or by the company. During the year 2007 recorded the two companies and seven government agencies that use Suranadi TWA as outbound location.
To complement these outbound activities, Balai KSDA currently NTB has developed outbound facilities for children and adolescents in locations Camping Ground, among others Flying Fox Outbond and High Ropes (step Six). Although this outbound facilities recently built, but until March 2008 some schools had to use for outbound activities.
Balai KSDA NTB also has plans for promotion of education tourism packages to schools. Conservation education package to be offered will include an explanation of the woods, the streets know the forests, planting trees and Flying Fox Outbond. In addition to these packages should also be developed tour packages to other education that could include objects such as interpretation of ecosystems of tropical evergreen forests, flora and fauna (symbiosis of plants, medicinal plants, fungi, insects, gray monkeys, butterflies, butterflies, etc.), the spring and followed by the use of facilities on the outbound. (Tri Endang W).
source: Central KSDA NTB